Humiliation can bring the person who does this to be downgraded spiritually

No one can read other people mind and suffering that they have gone through.
If anyone humiliates another person it is of course far too means.

Humiliation can bring the person who does this to be downgraded spiritually and humanely to a rock bottom. He will suffer in the hell fire created by himself when he leaves this world.
We need to learn to be humble, kind and helpful.

Comments :
I wish we could read mind and suffering one goes through…Good Morning Sir…have a good day…


is there a hell. all suffering is here. is it not Swamiji.

Self created hell by our conscience.

yes That is more Punishing!Manu elaborated o varius hells. later Yogis pacified there is no0 oter hell. Is there reallya hell ? did Budhha say in thsi aspeect? _()_

There is no hell. People who did unwholesome and cruel actions have to face the hell fire created by their conscience. They can’t sleep and rest in peace. They torture themselves in their own dark and frightening realm.