Category Archives: Chi Healing

Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

SCI Energy Concepts: According to theory, in front of the spinal cord is a power column, which receives energy from the chakras and transmits it vertically through the body.

Injury decreases this transmission because of the cord’s nearness to the power column and reduction in energy received from the lower chakras.

The effects of the injury are stored in the energy field closest to the body, which contains the energetic template for every body cell and organ, including the spinal cord.

If this template is distorted, its physical product, the body, will also be affected in some sense.

Mending the dysfunctional energy vectors created by the injury should facilitate physical healing. Furthermore, because negative, injury-associated emotional memories are stored within the energy fields, the body should heal more quickly when this negative energy is removed.

Pain and spasticity are considered especially amenable to energy therapy.

脊椎損傷 (SCI)

SCl能源概念: 根據理論,在脊椎的前面有一條垂直的能量導體,接收脈輪的能量,然後傳輸到身體的各個部位。






Energy Basis

Energy Basis

Healing-touch program (HTP) have been greatly influenced by Eastern-healing philosophy, especially the concepts of life-force energy ( e.g., qi, prana, etc.), and energy fields and chakras.

Essentially, energy-based self, physical healing is more apt to fall into place. In contrast, if we focus on just fixing physical symptoms, ignoring underlying determinants, we will still be directed toward dysfunction. It’s like trying to push a car one way when the steering wheel is cranked in a different direction.

In her seminal book Hands of Light, Brennan summarizes how the human energy field is composed of consecutive layers of increasing vibrational energy. Intersecting the body and its energy field are seven tornado-like energy vortexes called chakras, which download higher vibrational energy into a form that the body can assimilate. When open and flowing, the chakras are about six-inches wide and have a clockwise spin.

The various chakras support different physical functions and organs, and are linked to different states of consciousness. Cursorily described, the
1) root chakra brings into the body life force energy ( also affects spinal column),
2) sacral chakra influences reproductive function,
3) solar-plexus affects digestion,
4) heart chakra promotes cardiac and circulatory function,
5) throat chakra helps lung function,
6) brow chakra affects brain and nervous system, and
7) the crown chakra is associated with the upper brain and our connection to the divine.
Because of the importance of chakras, healers often focus their efforts in sensing or modulating chakra energy flow.


Healing Touch Program (HTP) 的理論基礎:很大程度上被東方的能量療癒哲學所影響,這些理論包括:能量場、脈輪、生命力能量概念(例如,中國的氣功,印度瑜珈的呼吸法,等)。

實際上,從人的”能量體”進行治療,會更容易治好肉體上的病痛。相反地,如果只專注於治療肉體上的症狀而勿略內在因素,病痛還是會復發,甚至會使身體失去一些功能。 就如想把車推向一個方向,但方向盤卻是擺在不同的方向。

Brennan 在她的書 Hands of Light 中,總結出人體的能量場,是由很多層不同振動強度的能量所組成。而肉體和能量場的交流,是靠七個能量漩渦,稱之為脈輪,它們把高振幅能量,轉化成人體能吸收的能源。

當脈輪打開及流動時,面積大約有六吋寬,以順時針旋轉。 各個脈輪支援不同的生理功能和器官,並連結到不同的意識狀態。粗略地描述如下:
1) 海底輪 – 把生命力能量帶入人體 (也影響脊椎)、
2) 密輪 – 影響生殖功能,
3) 臍輪 – 影響消化功能,
4) 心輪 – 促進心臟和循環系統的功能、
5) 喉輪 – 有助於肺功能、
6) 眉輪 – 影響大腦和中樞神經系統,
7) 頂輪 – 與大腦上部聯結,以及和道體的聯繫。

Master Chow

Healing Resonance

Healing Resonance

Therapeutic Touch founder Delores Krieger describes the core of healing touch,” The healer sensitively draws upon the universal energies that are the backdrop to all living events and within which both healer and healee are figures sharing a unitary nature.”

Basically, when we resonate with these universal energies, we are healthy. When we get out of synch, we are prone to sickness. The purpose of healing touch is to help us achieve a better resonance, allowing us to heal ourselves.

The idea of a healing resonance is not just metaphysical speculation. Although most people emit a variable electromagnetic frequency from their hands, scientists have shown that healers emit a steady frequency that is identical to the Earth’s resonant frequency. In other words, living in synchrony with Mother Earth’s pulse seems to be health promoting.


Therapeutic Touch 的創始人 Delores Krieger 對能量療法的核心,有以下的描述:”能量療理師所運用到的宇宙能量,是所有生命體的支柱,能量療理師和病者都擁有此能量特性。”

基本上,當我們與此宇宙能量時常產生共振,身體便會健康。 如不能共振時,便很容易生病。 能量療法能幫助我們和宇宙能量,達到更好的共振,讓身體自行修復。

能量療法的理論,並不是形而上學的假設。 雖然大多數人的手掌都能發射出電磁波,但科學家已證明,能量療理師能發射出,與地球諧振頻率相同的電磁波。 換句話說,如果在生活上能夠與地球的脈衝同步,便會有促進健康的功效。

Healing touch technique


Healing touch has been defined as energy therapy in which practitioners consciously use their hands in a heart-centered and intentional way to support and facilitate physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. It’s often used with other therapies to accelerate healing.

Because the focus is the energy field surrounding the patient, actual physical touching is often not needed. The typical session is composed of several phases, including centering, diagnostic and energy modulation.

Initially, the healer will try to become meditatively centered and go within. With such centering, the healer connects to his or her greater intuitive self, which speaks to us in whispers that rarely can be heard over life’s background cacophony. This centering allows healer to become more consciously sensitive to the patient’s subtle energetic cues and to harmonise the universal healing resonance above.

After centering, the healer assesses the patient’s chakras and energy field with hand scanning over the body. The healer searches out energy imbalances, evaluating energy flow, sensing how the energies feel- hot, cold, tingling, congested, etc.
Finally, to help the patient regain energetic homeostasis, the healer rebalances, clears, or modulates the patient’s energy field using a variety of hand placements or movement.

Finally, to help the patient regain energetic homeostasis, the healer rebalances, clears, or modulates the patient’s energy field using a variety of hand placements or movement.


以雙手和意念,導引心輪的內部能量來促進身體、情緒、心理和精神健康,已被定義為能量療法。 但通常會配合其他療法,使癒合加速。

因為治療重點在於圍繞著患者的能量場,所以通常不需碰觸到患者的身體。 一般的治療有以下幾個步驟,包括能量的集中,診斷和能量調整。

開始時,醫者會進入禪定狀態,把能量集中並往內禪觀。 有了能量集中的禪觀之後,醫者連接到自己直覺的大我。 這個直覺的大我,平時只會輕聲細語,所以通常被生活中的其他雜事所遮蔽。 這個能量集中的禪觀,會使醫者對患者的細微動能改變更加敏感,也會加強患者和宇宙癒合能量的共震恊調。

完成以上的步驟後,醫者會用手隔空掃描患者的身體,以評估他的脈輪和各能源區域的狀況。 醫者在隔空掃描時會找出:能量的失衡、能量流動性、感應能量的狀態,如熱、冷、刺痛、阻塞、等。


Master Chow

Train yourself for distance healing

Message From Reader :
Good evening, Master, you can pray from a distance for people in a coma? And when you go to find them you have to pray out loud?

Master Chow’s Reply :
No need. Visualise the face of the person and chant softly to his or her ear.

I know many of you are kind and concern with friends who are sick. First you need to practice visualisation. Start off with a flower. Look at it for a while and close your eyes and see whether you can see the same flower in your mind-eye. Practice it for a few months. When you are successful, pick up a photo of your mum or dad and start to visualise one of them. Open your heart to send your love to him or her. Practice it for three years. After that you can visualise anyone in your mind-eye easily. That is the time when you can do distance healing or sending love to someone who is far away from you.

師父,早。您可以為昏迷的病人做遠距離治療嗎? 治療時需大聲祈求去找到病人嗎?


我知道大家都很關心有病的朋友。 第一步,要先學會用意識覺觀事物。 可以先用一朶花做練習。 先用眼看這花一會, 然後閉眼,看能否在意識中看到此花。 這樣練習幾個月, 成功之後, 可用爸或媽的照片,練習在意識中看到他(她)的樣貌。 此時,用心把愛傳給他(她)。 這樣練習三年, 此後,就會很容易地在意識看到你想見的人。 至此,就可以做遠距離治療, 或將愛送到遠在他方的眾生。


Lunar and Solar energies will merge one day and find their way to the central channel

My Taiwan student told me a few days ago she felt some cold energy running in her body. She couldn’t feel the energy coming to her body from the ground.

One of her male friends tried to help her by sending the energy to her back. He thought he could help her to get rid of the coldness. After a while he felt weak and promised to come back to help her in two days time. But he did not turn up. He had in fact injured himself.

So she sent a message to ask me why.
I told her that her lunar energy was activated after her solar energy in her body had completed the run. I told her not to worry. These two lunar and solar energies will merge one day and find their way to the central channel. Just be aware of them and let the distracted thoughts come and go. So far she, though unintelligent, has able to practice my method to activate the inner energy effortlessly. She sent a message to me later and said that she just wore a simple clothing in this cold weather whereas most of friends need to wear more to keep away the cold. The best method in life is let it be and to let it go. Everything will fall into its right placing.

Comments :
Saingapour c is too far I would have so much need you Master Chow 😦

It is never far. We are a part of the same universe

When your energy level is fully charged, the distracted thoughts will be cleared off

Message From Reader :
Hi master, I got a new experience today. I got alot of distracted mind those days. that i tried the best to stay still. When I was walking in this morning today i just try to focus on guanyin that sitting in the sun. I tried to relaxed my whole body and just let go, suddenly i can just feel the warm energy that coming into my left hand and then the right hand coming out energy. For the moment i just feel that warm and positive energy just boost up my body. All my distracted thoughts are dissappeared. Later when i come home i do my tai chi exercise I can actually feel my mind is clear for the moment. Why it so? it was my first time experience about this.

Master Chow’s Reply :
This a very good lesson for you. The left hand is used to recieve energy and the right hand is used to send out energy. Remember this method that is taught to you by your inner master. Then your whole body is recharged. When your energy level is fully charged the distracted thoughts in your mind will be cleared off. Wonderful lesson learnt. Namaste.

Comments :
Thank you master, I remember you told us last year but i didnt understand about it. But now I got this lesson i truly understand how it works now. Thank you very much.

A method to release swelling / pressure feeling on your head

I prefer to teach someone who is straightforward with one track mind. She will follow and practice my teaching without doubts. For those who are egoist with pride I will leave them alone. A Taiwan student came to see me for two days for she had rushed back to conduct a retreat for more than 100 people for her master.

She told me that her head was swelling all the times and there was too much pressure acting on her head. I taught her to put her mind (or imaginary head) under her feet whether she was sitting down or walking. She looked at me and wanted to know why. I told her this teaching came from the Buddha who was a great doctor.

After going back to her home, she messaged me today and told me that her feet were getting warmer and the pressure on her head had disappeared. She now learnt to focus her attention on her spine nearer to her neck. She was surprised to discover that the heat had gone up there to release her pressure and pain.

Comments :
It is good this one is in process of healing.

师姐加油!我也想试试 😌

I tell friends ” God cant be everywhere In that case he created Angels and Divine Masters. like you.

More laughter and a mind with unconditional love

How broad is your mind is how much you can raise the energy level in a person. This energy not only can keep you heathy and sound, it creates lots of opportunity to have good networks for your career and business.

If your mind is narrow and calculating, nothing good can come to you except adverse mishaps and horrible problems. Your low energy level has difficulty to cope up with any situation.

The best cure will be having more laughter and a mind with unconditional love.