Tag Archives: ego

Still holding the heavy burden?

云说:我自由自在飄来飘去。 有重量加在我身上,我会把它变成雨水落在大地。 我的重量变輕了。你们的呢? 還背着重担。

The clouds said that they were free floating in the sky. The moment they felt weight on their bodies, they converted it to rain and let them fall. Thus they learnt to reduce their burden. How about all of you? Still holding the heavy burden?

Walking meditation and Tai Chi

Walking meditation helps you to develop concentration with awareness.
Each step that touches the ground will awaken your inner being.
As you progress, you find your body and ‘That’ are there bonded together.
Bliss and peacefulness come into existence for you to enjoy.

I realise this understanding while I am deeply involved while doing my Tai Chi practice.

The ‘I’, the ego has just disappeared.
The energy of the outside cosmic universe and your own little inner cosmic universe energy just merges to form into ‘Oneness’.
Hence you are the one who is bathing in the cosmic sea of bliss and peace.



“自我” 就从此消失了。


Comments :
Walking meditation may help peaceful minded N good physical movement, but it also could be very dangerous to physical as well. For example: tripped or hit on something than falling down, or somehow could accidentally unintentionally stepped on innocent lives and killed them. Like new born baby cats, dogs, etc. It also could be stepped on poisons venomous reptiles that could cause deadly.
In my opinion, I would rather practice exercise as much as I could, than sit still practice meditation is better..

You can walk in your house or garden in circle.

You both have great advice, Uncle Chow Cheong King and Sis N, Walking meditation and Sitting meditation’re the best way to make people have peaceful mind and good physical, thanks for sharing your idea to us 🙂


What’s ego?
Can ego be seen?
Why can’t you see your ego?
Is ego good or bad?

But most of your friends can see your ego.
Ego is formless, a driving force and an energy.
Ego helps you to believe that you can achieve your dream, you can build an business empire and be a patriotic hero to change the destiny of your poor country.

Ego makes a person proud of his achievement.
Without awareness you tend to be arrogant to push your workers to the edge to produce results and tend to outshine and ridicule your friends.
On the whole ego is a sword which has both sharp edges.
It can apply with wisdom to do good or with ignorance it can tend to hurt all your friends and yourself eventually.




To tame our mind is like taking care of a baby

To support and take good care of a baby right up to 24 years adulthood requires a lot of love, closed attention, education, food, medical fees and much more.

We can’t guarantee this grown up man will appreciate what the parents have done for him. It is not a surprise to see a highly educated person earning high salary will deposit his parents to an old age home.

So to tame our mind is like taking care of a baby, loosing sleep and appetite, takes at least more than 20 over years to train and motivate the mind to walk a virtuous path with compassion and kindness.

At the same time we need to watch our ego that will poison or feed our mind with pride, anger and undesired bad habits with vulgar speech and killing cruelty.

It is a big battle to defeat our ego and tame our mind. Only through careful reading and understanding of the sutras and dharma with the help of proper exercises and meditation can we be the winner to control our mind. It is indeed an uphill task to work this out.

要培育一個健康快樂成長的人 (從嬰兒至廿四歲成年人),需要投入很多的關心丶愛護丶教育丶食物丶醫療丶等等。

這樣多的付出,並不能保證這位成年人,會感恩父母為他所投入的一切。 就算受過高等教育,有一份高薪工作,也只是把父母送去安老院。



要打敗自尊心和降服自心,需要小心選擇所讀的書本內容,了解佛法經文和體証法的實相。 這些要以適當的運動(和禪修) 作為扶助,最後才能成為心的主人。 這個需要大家付出很多努力才能達到的。

Ego germinates ignorance, unreasonable demands and desires

Reflection and realisation give rise to wisdom which can see through or overcome all difficult situations and problems.

Ego germinates ignorance and unreasonable demands and desires.
It leads one to be blind to see any situation or problem clearly. It lands one to suffer unnecessarily.


「自我」滋养无明和无理的要求与爱欲。 它导致我们盲然不知境况和问题所在,结果要受无必要的苦。

The simplest way to meditate

The simplest way to meditate is to learn how to relax yourself in a comfortable sitting position. By doing nothing and not thinking of attainment and achievement, your own ego can not create any fabricated stories or beautiful dreams. It is a good way to make the ego feels so dull that it gives up of you and disintegrates or dissolves itself. Then you actually arrives at a stage of no self but have entered a plane of emptiness with light and bliss.

最简单的禅坐方法是学习放松自己,找到舒适的姿势坐着。 然后什么也不做,也不想达成任何目的,你的自我就无法编织故事和美梦。 这样你的自我就会觉得非常枯燥乏味,到最后会自我放弃和瓦解。 因此你会达到无我的阶段,进入明静清安的空境。


When you lose your consciousness, ego take over.

Message From Reader :
Sir, those fleeting moments when you lose your consciousness, allow your ego to take over, only to realise a bit later what a folly it was on your part. why do we give so much importance to our thoughts? Why, in spite of knowing no body can add or take away anything from us do we still care for others opinions… Guess this is what is Maya…

Master Chow’s Reply :
Thoughts usually come from our subconscious mind. In it there are good, bad and neutral thoughts. As long as we don’t respond to such thoughts and let them come and go they can’t affect our inner peace. The ego encourages us to fulfill our bad thoughts in action. This kind of motivation which is damaging to us and others need to be watched. By watching such bad thoughts they will die in their infant stage. So we do not create a bad karma for our future development. If the thoughts are beneficial for us and others we can either act on it or not depend on our capability. As for the neutral thoughts we ignore them totally.

鄒先生,在那些不知不覺稍縱即逝丶失去覺知的時刻,讓”我慢”主導了,稍後才發覺這是多麼愚蠢的。 為什麼會對念頭如此重視? 為什麼?? 儘管知道沒有任何人可以添加或拿走任何東西,我們仍然那麼在意別人的意見… 我想這個就是”魔鬼”吧…

念頭通常來自於潛意識。這裡面有好的,壞的和中性的念頭。只要我們不應對這些念頭,讓它們來去自如,這樣便不會影響內心的平靜。 ”我慢” 會鼓勵我們去執行那些不好的念頭,大家要注意這些損人不利己的念頭,通過觀察這種不好的念頭,它們便會胎死腹中而不被執行,這樣便不會創造一個未來的惡業。如果這個念頭是利人利己的,可根據自己的能力去決定是否執行它。至於中性的念頭,可以完全忽略它們。


One must step out of spiritual materialism

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche ( 1939- 1987 ) urged the importance of moving away from ‘spiritual materialism’:
“It is important to see that the main point of any spiritual practice is to step out of the bureaucracy of ego. This means stepping out of ego’s constant desire for a higher, more spiritual, more transcendental version of knowledge, religion, virtue, judgement, comfort or whatever it is that a particular ego is seeking. One must step out of spiritual materialism.”

Just be aware of your true self

I told someone yesterday, having intuition, healing power, reading of mind, psychic power and much more, are nothing but toys and games.

All these can’t liberate yourself. They just feed your ego to be larger.
Eventually you will finally destroy by your own ego.

Stop chasing after all these. Just be aware of your true self. That’s all and it is so simple.

Intelligent Vs Wisdom

A wise person is also intelligent.
An intelligent one may not have wisdom.
A wise one can see through things and foresee what is coming.

An intelligent one is a more specialised person on a limited area and he can’t see thing in all prospectives. As a result he is more self centered and have doubts. When he encounters certain thing he can only use his logical thinking to look or solve his problem. He finds it difficult to believe that he has a true self. He only thinks and says I can handle this, it is mine or me. His ego is also projected outwardly to prevent him from seeing an inner beautiful and joyful world.

Comments :
…gives me to consider how a person may be highly specialized in one area of life and very intelligent in that area or maybe a couple of areas… then when other matters arise and if not the person with wisdom then such a faltering there may be…. yes, to have wisdom