Tag Archives: smile

Doing good deeds is not about the quantity but the quality

Contributed by my best friend from Indonesia

Plant 1 apple seed in a fertile land maybe will grow 1 tree full of apples fruit while planting thousands of apple seed in desert will never grow a fruit. The same helping those poors in emergency need due to starving, sick or giving a glass of water to people that deadly thirsty are more benefiting and helpful rather than supporting people who are doing nothing than sitting, eating, sleeping comfortably in the name of practicing dharma. We are also practicing…but we work hard for everything….we can do good deeds at anytime anywhere, it’s not about the quantity but the quality. 50 rupiahs opinion

Comments :
Thank you master Chow Cheong King for sharing 🙂 . Most of the time I like to do like your friend, and smile 🙂

Her photo leads me to Western Pure Land

Looking at her I saw so many sentient beings who are in a full state of happy dreams with joy and happiness.
Her look captures my soul to pause for a second.
She leads me to a
far away land of Western Pure Land full of lotus opening
with the Buddha smiling at me and waving me to lead more beings to His Land.
By the way, I don’t know who she is.
Her look at the horizon inspires me, an artistic point of view to write this post.

Comments :
Does she cook instant noodle ?

She delivers instant noodles

Where to place my request of noodle har ?

Order through Bro A. It is very expensive.

Bro A, may I hv my queue ticket, please.


红颜祸水啊 Master. 早日回头吧。

Haha 她是行空母難得一见。幸福極了。

Bro A, you don’t worry about Master Chow lah. Just deliver noodle to those in desperate will do lah.

A smile

A smile can give us a beautiful bright day.
A smile can make us to forget a sad incident that had happened yesterday.
A smile can bring us into a fanciful future.
A smile can distinguish our rage of anger.
A smile can connect our friendship closer.
A smile can deliver us with joy and happiness.
A smile can helps us to realise the presence of our divinity in us.

Comments :
Smile by Bee Gees

I love this version of Bee gees. Just look at all those smiling faces on the children.

Learn to see all matter like a child but with a matured wisdom mind.

Yes a smile can change the world. ..

A smile is a universal welcome.

Happiness is a right mood to enhance your immune system

Happiness is a right mood for anyone to enhance the immune system to protect you from getting sickness. It is a pure form of energy for healing. Your body cells tend to give out more light and life force.
When a person laughs because he is happy you can see a glow on his face with pinkish or reddish colour.
The secret to keeps yourself happy is made your surrounding people happy.

Comments :
The 14th Dalai Lama- “If you wish to experience peace, provide peace for another.”

I always try to be helpful in life. But many people enjoy making people miserable at workplace to be happy. Some people put people down, so that they can climb higher, maybe such people are greedy for power and money.

To make surrounding people happy , I have a smiley face to face everyone. he people to be smile

Almost the people to be return smile to you..This is my happiness..

Ha ha, Master, Thanks

happiness is a thought ,we suffer because we can’t let go .

Be mindful to change any adversary and unhappiness into a joyfulness

To be a practical buddhist and has a skill of making people feel at ease and comfortable with you is not easy.
Someone invited me to a dinner with a few friends. The dishes that came forth were below our expectation. Those serving us could feel the unpleasant emotions that were displaying on our faces.
I immediately felt them uneasy as they brought in more dishes. In order to transform such a situation of heaviness I tried my best by calling out their names by looking at their name tags without their knowing and sounded friendly and close to them. I turned the still air around and made it into a more joyful situation with friendliness.
To be a real practical buddhist we need to be mindful to change any adversary and unhappiness into a joyfulness. We need to have skilful means and wisdom. We have to practice and cultivate dharma at all time and in all kinds of situation.

Comments :
Good morning master chow , have a blessed day ahead .
Your msg always come the right time when I needed it and after reading is like a spiritual aid rescue me from my present situation 。whatever it is 一觉醒过来,又是美好的一天。
Each of master chow msg posted daily always able to help us go through and get by feeling good and been comfort by his spiritual words of comfort .
I repeat again he is indeed a spiritual diety disguise in a form of human to come to earth to help us change a better person . WE ONLY LIVE ONCE .

Isn’t it amazing the vibrations can be felt.

No one can upset you if you………

Someone says she is very upset and sad. I suggest to her to look into a mirror and smile. She will see a pretty face there.
No one can upset you if you understand the bad intention someone is there to provide it. It is best to avoid knowing of friends who are negative and ignorant. They can’t see the nature of reality but always put the blames on others and create bad comments to harm you.
Go near to the wise and happy one you meet the happy spring time.
Go near to the bad and negative one you will suffer the coldness and cruelty of the winter time.

Comments :
Positive people attack good luck, negative people dispels good luck !

yes Master, this can be good news if you are able to control where you will be & with whom…it can be bad news if you have to be in the world & working with people not of the same mind…but again…it can still be good, as we will pray in bad situations, etc… & it may be the only prayer they receive this day…so I guess it does come full circle. if we are never with negative people, how will they receive this blessing?? & if we are truly One…I want This Blessing for all parts of me too share the Love right!! Namaste around the world _/|\_

Their conscience will take part in deciding whom will get the blessing. The negative ones will receive the same blessing if they change to be good. Each of us evolves differently. The final liberation will be the same. Mixing with the hardcore negative ones wilk deprive us from evolving faster spiritually. Of course we do pray for them to change.

There is a Choice in how we react to whatever the comments ( positive or negative ) . Every encounter is An opportunity for Mental Growth ( overcoming our Fear in human relationship, we may feel handicap at times on How to deal with difficult colleagues, friends, family members, etc… ) . Stay mindful, focused . Look inward, listen quietly what exactly we are Not comfortable with. We Have to believe in ourselves before Other can have faith and confidence with us. May the Buddha teachings guide all of us to be liberated from our daily challenges. Namo Amituofo.

My own experience was that we can let the negative energy blow away as a wind, and be mindfulness. For exemple if we come across negative people that they always interesting to involving our life we can ignore it and lets all their speech blow away like a wind. Then our mind can rest and still be peaceful.Everyday I stay calm and always be happy, positive, thinking good and forward this is the good way to keep negative people away from us.

Lightning and thunder wake you up from this illusive dream

Let your love extend to every corner of this world,
like a sun.

Let your compassion touch the heart of people that you know,
like a wind blowing at their faces.

Let your kindness to felt by others,
like the raindrops touching on their feet.

Let your smile and laughter arouse the whole world,
like lightning and thunder waking them up from their illusive dreams.

Comments :
Great thoughts….your post always brighten my day …

Thank u Chow for your good advice n nice pic Namo Buddhaya

Learn to be peaceful always – is in true meditation all the while

Thank the person who scolded you, humilated you and talked bad about you because this person is helping you to clear your bad karma. You need such people to be your teachers.

If what they said about you is correct, then learn the lesson and transform yourselves.
If what they said is untrue, just smile and ignore it.

Then you learn to be peaceful at all times when the external happenings and internal emotion do not effect you. You are already in the state of true meditation all the while.

Comments :
Yes It’s true and golden path of self evolution…OM