Daily Archives: 2015-06-29

The final choice is still yours

The split second of your decision could make a world of difference. Treasure your thinking and don’t let anger or other evil thoughts come in to make you do the wrong thing. It is like a match stick that can burn the whole forest down.

As we doing our breathing, in between the inhalation and exhalation, there is a very short pause. Learn to extend this pause or space much longer and it becomes very useful in future in making a correct decision.

As Lord buddha said, this split of a second can determine you either to be a buddha or a demon.
I have see some masters towards the end have brought their names down, when they couldn’t resist the temptation of money and lust. And eventually they have terrible deaths with their reputations completely wiped off.

The final choice is still yours.
( 2 cents opinion )

Comments :
A very valuable 2 cents Brother! Thank you.

Be aware of “what you doing and thinking” all the time

What is meditation?
It is just to be aware of “what you doing and thinking” all the time.

We need not sit down to do it. If we know our own existence in this present moment, this is more than enough.

Let it be and let your mind be free as if it is a pool of clear water where you can see your own depth. So whatever you do, speak or think has its meaning for good and beneficial to whole mankind. Then you have liberated yourself to a certain extend where no bad or neutral thoughts remain. You are free and you can feel your body and mind very light on all occasion.
( 2 cents opinion)

Comments :
So true concept of meditation…._/|\_

We should make our lives our meditation._/\_

This is mindfulness. Same concept taught by thich nhat hanh…)

Buddha teaching is all the same. It doesn’t belong to anyone else. The smartest one will work hard to attain final liberation.

U r v wise indeed….

Master today i cried so much while reciting mantra.. i dont why i often have experience like that.

It’s good for you to clear your past life defilement.

Oic thank you Master

Meditation is the watch and ward duty of every Buddhist fellow should not failed in his day to day workshop that should always benificial to all sentient being before to resolve his self benifit which is wholesome one that creates the peace to all being.

Let it be

Let it be. These three simple words are used as a title by one enlightened old master to write two thick volumes of book. Just to understand these words, it took me a long long time to understand and practice it.

One student of mine told me that she had so many ideas in mind, thinking of what to do next after her graduation.
So I said, “Let it be.”
She was quite taken aback and wasn’t happy with an simple answer. So I needed to explain these words; let it be.
“Let all your thoughts settled down, the right answer would appear.”
“So easy?”
I answered back, “Yes, it is that easy.”

I remembered when I was having some difficulties to solve my Maths problems, I simply stopped thinking about it. Then I put my book under my pillow and went to sleep. At the middle of the night when my mind had settled down, all the answers just appeared.

Some friends were worried about their job situation and problems, came to consult me. I told them to let it be. True enough after somedays, they came back to tell me their bosses were quite happy with their performances.

I always like to say “heaven” has mercy on all of us. As long as we do our work accordingly and be humble with a smiling face all the time, let it be will take place. Everything will fall in nicely and accordingly.

Comments :
let this postings be! wisdom will float after some time.

Once a person remove bad habits and behaviours, he can obtain wisdom to solve all daily difficulties

All races with different regions and cultures can learn and practice the Buddha’s teaching.

Buddhism is not a religion and it is in fact a life science. He teaches us to be an upright person, upholding the correct moral values. He tells us to love one another because he believes all human races are equal with a heart of compassion and loving kindness.

Once a person can remove his bad habits and behaviours, he can obtain wisdom to solve all daily difficulties or have solutions for all problems. Hence you can live a happy and peaceful life.

Comments :
Except budha in mind nothing can save us…without companion and loving kindness budhisim can’t fruitfull….thanks sir for your beautiful message

感恩。I’m trying hard now

What if you find difficulty in practice of generosity ?

One day a very rich man in India came to see the Buddha. He wanted to learn the dharma from the Buddha. So the Buddha gave a discourse of Dana, generosity.

But the rich man told the Buddha, it was difficult to leave his wealth and found this teaching was too difficult for him to follow and practice.

The Buddha smiled and said, “Use your right hand to give some coins to your left hand. After a while, use your left hand to return the coins to your right hand and practice this method for sometimes and ask yourself how you would feel.”

The rich man went home and practice it. After a few months, he felt that whenever his right hand gave some money to his left hand, he felt a joy. And when he gave the coins to right hand from his left hand, he felt happier.

So he went to a village and look for some poor people. As he gave money to the poor, he felt his body getting lighter with more joy.

What made him more surprise was, the more he gave the more money came to him in his business. Eventually he understood the teaching of the Buddha.

Comments :
We should help to needy.. Sometimes it’s us who are send by God to fulfill wish of needy ones.

Thanks for showing the giving and taking technique…we get nothing until we give…beautiful

Mo mani padme hung chorten

Generosity – first item on the list of paramitas

The Buddha deliberately put generosity first on the list of paramitas.
It acts as a direct remedy in our life for the primary cause of suffering and dissatisfaction: desires craving, resistance, attachment.

By giving up on our own private agenda and possessions to help others, we help free ourselves from our misguided dependence on transitory things and provide us with happiness and fulfilment.

Perfect the sublime virtue of generosity – the more you give, the greater your abundance

The Buddha said: May I perfect the sublime virtue of generosity, which liberates and releases craving, grasping and attachment and brings joyous contentment.

Lao Tzu said: The sage accumulates nothing, but the more he does for others the greater his existence; the more he gives to others, the greater his abundance.