What is worry (烦恼) make up with ?

Message From Reader :

Master Chow’s Reply :
烦恼是智慧. It comes from the subconscious mind the 8th consciousness. As it comes it goes. Transform this true energy to wisdom. But don’t suppress it or get rid of it. They will come more and more.

Message From Reader :
Yes i also learned from books that they can be transformed. There could be a timing for it to happen there should be scientific methods guiding us to practice step by step.

Master Chow’s Reply :
The methods must come from you. A slower one takes more time. A highly intelligent one can transform it very quickly.

Comments :
it took time for me but nowadays i try just to focus on one spot and then it was easily all thoughts flow away.

Many lessons can be experienced from this and it always worth to experience it from moment to moment…

Master can u pls tell us something about the 7th consciousness?

I did say that already.