Daily Archives: 2015-07-17

Why must we learn Morality and Tao, before learning Buddhism ?

Someone asks me why must we learn Morality and Tao first before or the last to learn Buddhism? What a question to ask.

To learn to be a truthful, honest and upright person you need to learn morality.
Next to become a Sage or Saint you have to practise the way of Tao.

After laying such a foundation of morality and way of Tao, you can learn the dharma to liberate yourself. Without a strong foundation of learning, you are building your own highway leading to nowhere.

Comments :

Does 1 + 2 must = to 3 in spiritual art practice ?

Many high fliers with calculating intelligence feel whatever effort they put in they must have result quickly. They used to tell me that they have spent a few months practicing meditation or Tai chi exercises don’t feel or get any result. To these people they feel that it is illogical because 1 + 2 must = to 3. In actual fact when we are practice spiritual art there is no timing and limitation. The learning and the practising need to go on until we reach there.

Take for an example for a chick to hatch. If we poke a hole hoping the chick can hatch faster we actually killing it in its shell. When we leave it alone the chick will hatch out according to its right timing.

As for us we need to have patience and tolerant to wait. Mathematical formula couldn’t be apply there. Many who go the wrong masters don’t even have a chance to see the seed sprouting. ( 2 cents opinion )


Comments :
Poking a hole on into the chick before it is mature can kill the unborn chick. But when we saw the beck of the chick coming out of the egg shell, if the chick cannot break out of the shell, it will die. Hence, the guru will act as a facilitater, to help the chick break out of the shell and be liberated.

I have done this when I used to keep chicken in my kampong home during my younger days. Help the chicken when their beck is outside and not able to break the egg shell, this may be due to the different thickness of the egg shell. Hitting the shell, cracking it and let the chick break free, I have done this. The mother hen will bike me, but I will still observe the eggs under its body. Kampong chicken always normally don’t hatch on the same day, one or two days difference in hatching is common, it is very interesting.

Just chant OM sound when you see the coming clouds

m i still in my dream or reality?

i am still trying my best but maybe i am not that good enough bah..
We do dream but at time we wake up to see the reality. The problem is to how to keep the awakening state longer. Your question is important because it applies to all of us except a few rare awakened and enlightened ones. I am still like you. Let us work harder.

in confuse state..
You are not. Otherwise you don’t ask such a question. You do see some realities at time. We just need to clear away the dark clouds that are blocking the bright luminous moon.

sometime i choose not to wake up from my dream but at the same time i will ask myself to wake up face it n don’t dream just do it.
Not to worry too much. I can see that you are alright.

yes master dark clouds will keep coming back hope our hard work can get rid of it everytime it appear..
Just chant OM sound when you see the coming clouds.

ok..thanks master for the advice ^^

Comments :
Thank you for sharing !
You can download the “OM” chant from the website. I listen to it every night till I fall asleep, till the morning when I wake up, its from my hand phone. A great way to relax and fall asleep.

How do i know the stuff inside are correct to rely upon ?

Message From Reader :
Thank you master chow!
Sir, May i ask one question – how do i know what i have inside is the correct stuff to rely upon? I alway feel i am just an ordinary being.

Master Chow’s Reply :
The original stuff in your subconscious mind is compassion and wisdom. However our desires and ignorance have covered our eyes and true self to recognise them.

Comments :
So true.. I am 100% agree.. Tank you so much Master Chow..
May God and Lord Buddha bless you and your family 🙂 _/\_

You are the seer and a knower

Be yourself and know yourself.
Everything you need is in yourself.

Searching outside is a waste of your time.
Let go every experience and event that come across you.

You are the seer and a knower.
That is the way to end your dreams.

Comments :
Thank you master chow!
Sir, May i ask one question – how do i know what i have inside is the correct stuff to rely upon? I alway feel i am just an ordinary being.

The original stuff in your consciousness is compassion and wisdom. However our desires and ignorance have covered our eyes and true self to recognise them

Thank you, master chow. will reflect upon your words.


Well said sir…everything is within us….

m i still in my dream or reality?


i am still trying my best but maybe i am not that good enough bah..
thanks master for the reply ^^

We do dream but at time we wake up to see the reality. The problem is how to keep the awakening state longer.

in confuse state..

You are not. Otherwise you don’t ask such a question. You do see some realities at time. Let us work harder. We just need to clear away the dark clouds that are blocking the bright luminous moon.

sometime i choose not to wake up from my dream but at the same time i will ask myself to wake up face it n don’t dream just do it..

Not to worry too much. I can see that you are alright.

yes master dark clouds will keep coming back hope our hard work can get rid of it everytime it appear..

Just chant OM sound when you see the coming clouds.

ok..thanks master for the advice

Only with loving kindness can help you see your wisdom developed

Don’t think of changing others. Change yourself to suit and go along with your living situation.

Nothing remains the same. Just bite your bullet for good and look for happiness and joy within your suffering.

This helps you to taste the reality in life to better yourself. Lift the needy and unfortunate ones up along your way. Only with loving kindness can help you see your wisdom developed.

Childern bagger

Comments :
Change yourself to suit and go along with your living situation….Thanks

Thank you master Chow Cheong King, love/ happiness is all within 🙂

Innocent kids….

Master, this posting of yours and the previous – Good thoughts bring good luck. . . becomes so appropriate for me cause someone made me so angry, I kept thinking why people are so wicket and selfish and self-centred, bullying the weaker and still oblivious about it. Thank you for the advice.