Daily Archives: 2015-07-29

Guiding someone to walk a spiritual path, you need to do your homework and have answers ready

The skill of communication is so important to convey your intention.

“I like you to see someone in a shopping mall?”
“No way. I am not feeling too well.”

“Can you accompany your mother to meet up with my friend in the shopping mall? I need your help to find my way.”
The answer will be ok.

Guiding someone to walk a spiritual path, you need to do your homework and have answers ready. One of my students who is very sharp and intelligent has always asked me with difficult and unexpected questions. She wanted to know why my answers were ready for her. I told her that if one day I couldn’t answer her questions, I would become her student. That day will come soon I hope, for I still need a teacher to guide me.

Comments :
Don’t worry,
1. 據說,佛陀有八萬多的法可說,但未有统计,应該是無穹的我想。Master your replies seems not going an end…..
2. You should happpy and proud that your fellow take off you to be your successor…….

I don’t regard myself as master. I still have so much to learn from others. Thanks.

Thank you for your mineless giving.
With best regard to meet you. Thanks

Being a student is easier than being a guru !

Have a happy Gurupoornima! to my Guru SRI M and to SathGuru SRiGuru Babaji!
Many blessings, peace and love to my teachers, friends and fellow yogis

Discriminating Mind Vs Discriminating Wisdom

Discriminating mind is different from discriminating wisdom.

Discriminating mind is the mind that makes judgement or comparison when thing or a person comes in front of him. This kind of thinking is bad and it uproots his stillness and silence. It creates more distracted and chattering running thoughts which give him no peace.

A discriminating wisdom is to see the originality of thing or a person. It does not make any form of judgement or comparison. Whether it is good or bad and true or fault, this mind just observes it and realises it’s true nature. He has a clear and vivid mind where nothing can escape his eyes. He accepts as what it is and leaves it outside of him where nothing can stir his inner peace and silence.

Maintain your true self and enjoy

When I had a cup of Milo and some peanuts during my younger day, I felt so happy with joy at that moment.

We can not afford to loose such kind of happiness because this true priceless value will leave us soon, if we are engaging to attain more and more of those valueless items.

Flower on Wooden floor

Comments :
Thank you D Chow Cheong King
Thank you for your good idea D Master
Yes! Exactly but the idea have to stand on 3 cases: good though, good activity ,good speech too

Back maybe a week or so ago a dear neighbor Lady of mine gave call to me from across the sidewalk and said, “Let me buy us each an ice creme cone,” as the local ice creme truck was out and about in the neighborhood. I said an “ok, that sounds fine…..” a simple pleasure perhaps and yet it meant so much to me. For through then that evening we to her porch area and shared in conversation, a time of catching up with the happenings in our lives and to share in wonderful talk… neighbor ladies sharing, remembering good times and desiring the very best for one the other. Some times like this kind of sharing are truly priceless.

Mine was buying a stick of satay from satay uncle…life was simple & easy to be happy then 🐝🐝🐝

Sir lovely article. We value what we don’t hold in our hand. As a child we long to grow up and have our own life, materialistic living. But once we reach there we realise the futility of this persuit. We either try to deprogram ourselves or we give up and continue the materialistic life.
Strangely the choice is all ours.

Nowadays is hard to get a simple life..

As long as you remain simple with less desires you can live in simplicity

yup thanks master ^^

People with less learn to appreciate life, they will be more happy.
People that have more, keep asking for more, but never learn to appreciate life.

People with less money soon know that there are many things in life which can make you happy and are free. Some of which even money can’t buy.
The beauty of a morning as it unfolds with the cries of birds,a nice workout or meditation,conversation with kids,family lunch or dinner. The list goes on and on.
Which are supposed to be aberrations have now become the mainstay. Think the problem starts from there.
Some things are added to curry to make it tasty. They are added in small quantity just enough to stimulate your taste buds. But if you over use them your body suffers.
So also things that were supposed to spice up our life become routine. Life suffers.

Just maintain your true self and relax in it and enjoy the peace and happiness

As I get older, I have fewer and fewer possessions…. these days, I get great happiness from enjoying a hot tea, and watching clouds, insect, trees…

Contented with what you have

You may gain much more of what you have desired for a living
but you will loose much more of your values of your lives.

Life isn’t too long a choice to make a right switch.

Contented with how little you may have,
happiness and peacefulness with wisdom is always at your side.

Wide flowers

Comments :
Be happy with the little you have…there is no end for desire…

Good morning Master. Well said. This is the need of the hour to bring equality, peace and harmony in the world.

Very interesting that everyone should know. Thanks teacher