Daily Archives: 2015-07-19

How Buddha become a buddha ? Why others didn’t ?

In the Diamond Sutra the Buddha related his actual daily living condition when he was followed by 1,250 disciples or more everyday.
He didn’t ask anyone to help him. He begged for his alm every morning, walking on a long distance bare footed. After he had collected his food as he came back, he would wash his feet before he sat down to eat. After eating he washed his own bowl and dried it. He would sit down to meditate for a short while to wait for his disciples to gather round and listen to his discourse. This was his ordinary affair without fail, living in such a simple and ordinary life.

The question was asked. How was it that he could become a buddha ? How was that that most of his disciples doing the same routine like the Buddha could not become a buddha ?

What is your opinion?

Kumbum Monastery

Comments :
The external life, living conditions of sages do not reflect their inner world. The kingdom they reign within is of unspeakable glory. Only the wise and intuitive can recognise a Master even if in tatters. Buddhahood is hard work. Renunciation, single pointed devotion and complete subjugation of the mind is required. We can all be Buddhas provided we meet the standards. His followers needed to study his meditation tips not only his life style.

When the Buddha eats, he eats and when he sleeps, he sleeps. Whereas when we eat, our mind is not with us. When we sleep, our distracted thoughts still follow us.

Yes..living in the now. I heard a story where on the eve of Buddha’s passing away, there were hundreds waiting to meet him and he had only a few minutes to live. An old man, very agitated came up to him and said ” you are leaving us and now how will I gain enlightement. Tell me in one sentence what I should do”. Buddha replied “Live only in this moment “.

Because of karmic perpetuation we are bound by life and death. Being awake, beyond karma or nishkama karma, we can attain the Turiya state, again a very tall order. But Lord Krishna says… Continuous effort can achieve anything and He is guiding all the time.

Thank you D Chow Cheong King
thank you for your good text
I think: hid heart is clean as well as his activities ( some people are just use the name Buddhist but inside their heart are not that …).
Sorry D Master if my answer is not polite

A dying tree or a living tree is better in your opinion ?

One day a Zen master was talking to his three students. “Outside this temple there are two trees. One is dying and the other is living. You three tell me which tree is better in your opinion.” Said the old monk.

The first disciple said,” The tree that is living is good. ”
The second disciple said,” I think the tree that is dying is better.”
The third disciple added on, ” Let them be.”

What will be your opinion?

Comments :
Both ! The living one is continuing the cycle of life; the drying one is providing “underground” support for the other one. Or for the surrounding environment / community.

Not bad.

I am not the tree, how would I know ? 2nd level : My opinion may change according to external factors. No fixed answer. Deeper level : Trees don’t have the concept of better/worst. My opinion have no effect on the trees. Therefore it is a Q/A without meaning.

You still need a second energy transmission. Good luck.

There is no tree.. only your mind.

It means to say nothing should affect your inner feeling whether it is good or bad. The third disciple had given the answer. ” Let them be.”

when tree grow well i will happy … but when tree dying i still feel very sad, i cannot say let it be no affect to my feeling… that is the fact~*

It applies to all human beings. But the enlightened see things differently. We have to practice harder to reach such a stage of wisdom.

i hope my heart doesnt affected by anything but that is very difficult~~*

Yes. Ordinary human heart can be affected by rain or shine. It is alright

Well this was a test of whether the students are above duality 🙂 . A tantra vision can lead us to a point where we are above duality.
In nature perhaps the animal Kingdom uses duality to a limited degree. The thinking man is trapped in the trap of duality .
The more custom made your belongings are the more you are into duality. I guess the more your ego is.
Are ego and the vision of duality interlinked???

It is in the stage of mind. Cutting off judgement or discrimination is a right practice.

Like sun does not discriminate, like sky is not affected by clouds, we have to rise above, though a very tall order, but our endeavour should continue to reach beyond maya

The question is relating to a view , all view are immaterial when we see things as they are nothing affects our state.
The condition and reality becomes from the choices we make. This choice leads to consciousness and becoming…. Of a form, a world and the affinity that brings suffering or insecurity.

What is more important is seeing without the seer, appreciating the moment and experiencing the silence of not being.

Keeping still and not analysing, not judging and not reacting to sensuality of the eye……

Well explained. Thanks

See as it is as their true nature… _/\_

Ignorant & Ordinary Vs Enlightened


If we allow our situation or circumstances to dominate us and control us to follow,
we are just ignorant and ordinary.

If we can alter our situation and circumstances to suit our expectation,
we are an enlightened person.

farmer and land

Comments :
Very true !
But many are still ignorent and ordinary, enlightened one are rare !

If our inner light is lighted up, we can find our way home

A young lady couldn’t bear her mother nagging all the time, telling her what to do and imposing lots of restrictions on her. So one night out of anger, she decided to leave the house.

She left her home in a hurry and forgot to carry along her purse. Not far away there was an old man selling noodle on the roadside. She kept looking at the old man because she was feeling cold with hunger.

“Young lady do you want a bowl of noodle?”
“Sorry uncle, I had forgotten to bring my money.”

The old man told her not to worry and offered a bowl of noodle to her. As she was eating, tears starting running down from her face.

“Why are you crying ?”
“I felt touch by your offering and am grateful to you.”
“That sounds strange. Your mother has been cooking for you all along and you don’t feel grateful to her.”

The inner light of her heart was immediately lighted up by such a simple statement. Immediately she rushed home and found her mother waiting for her at the door.
“Where have you been? The dishes that I have cooked are getting cold.”

If our inner light is lighted up, we can find our way home.

Oil lamp

Comments :
I am thinking, that “mother waiting at the door” could be her “true self” waiting at the heart door. (1 cent opinion). 🙂

If our inner light is lighted up we can find our way home.

世人只知现在擁有的是理所當然不惜福!身在福中不知福!只會在危難的時候才求救媽媽 、或 观音菩薩……知福,惜福

….how fortunate that this one did not wait, rather going home as thus enlightened to do… Time has a way of presenting loved ones not to be at home….

Her inner light is brightened by a simple statement mentioned by the noodle seller.

Direct transmission

Message From Reader :
Sifu, the body movement was very comfortable. It start with circular motion on waist (CW and CWW direction) then develop into helix along the body. Is it because I sit next to you?

Master Chow’s Reply :
Yes. My master has given a direct transmission of his energy to you without my knowing. You are well blessed. Your icloud to him is in a way connected. You need to wait for a while and he will give you some of his teachings.

Kumbum Monastery

Comments :

This is first empowerment for you from my master. You should happy. It is very rare that it had happened.

It is a surprise rather than rejection (又驚又喜). Don’t know how to respond other than OMG.

Not many in this world has such a transmission of energy. I feel a bit jealous too. Haha. Of course I have experienced this before for a few occasions from different masters

Compassion and wisdom are two wings of a bird that help us to soar high

Whatever we do
that are to benefit all living beings in all planes
is known as compassion.

Whatever we wish to learn or study all matter externally
to finally learn what is our inner self
is known as wisdom.

Compassion and wisdom are two wings of a bird
that help us to soar high into the horizon.

Comments :
Thinking at this…. understanding this ….. all these are problems of common sense. You don’t need to be a great philosopher to learn / judge / think / …… it. The problem is to put all these things into practice ! And here ….. very few are succeeding …. unfortunately ! Respectfully greetings, Master Chow !

Beautifully said! Thank you,Chow 🙂 The picture is sublime. 🙂

Look inside and finish there

Look inside and finish there.

Facebook posting from Zen, Tao, Chan on 18July 2015

In Chan our task is to discriminate –
not between the true and the false,
but between the false and the real.

Differences in outward appearance do not matter at all.
The real world is inside us.
It is even inside our mind.

The Teachings of Hsu Yun