Daily Archives: 2015-07-26

God / the great Pope / the Great Dalai Lama, please voice up to save these people from dying of hunger

Can there be help from somewhere, to help these people who have to resort to eat mud as meals.
Can God or the great Pope or the Great Dalai Lama, voice up to the world for help?

We don’t need too many talks and teachings.
Save these people from dying of hunger first.

FB Posting by LOVE REVOLUTION on 26Jul 2015

Dirt Poor Haitians Eat Mud Cookies To Survive

Can you imagine be so poor and so hungry that you have no choice but to eat MUD? Hungry people in the slums of Haiti are giving new meaning to the phrase “dirt poor.” As food prices soar, many desperate people are eating mud cookies to stave off their hunger pangs. The Haitian woman in the photo below is preparing mud cookies by mixing vegetable oil and salt with mud. Can you imagine?

Tragically, the state of Florida is located just a little over 600 miles away from this destitute part of the world. We are so spoiled rotten in America. I saw a commercial on TV today advertising “cat litter” made from corn and wheat. While America’s pets poop in litter made from food, poor children just hours away are forced to eat mud because they have NO FOOD. Do we really trust in God in America, when we allow the poor to starve to death, while simultaneously using perfectly good food to make cat sand? Sad!

Americans are spoiled! We enjoy a delicious hot meal 3 times daily, while the world’s poor resort to eating mud mixed with salt and vegetable oil to survive. Tragically, many of the world’s poor don’t even have mud cookies and just starve to death. It’s sickening! Bill and Melinda Gates, and Warren Buffett, have all been honored as great humanitarians for donating several tens-of-billions of dollars to help the world’s poor. What a scam! The money will all be squandered, just like the rest of the UNFPA money has been. The poor continue to starve. Who’s kidding who? #Haiti #AmericanRedCross #Shame #breakingthesilence #Armericanredcrossshame #Redcrossshame #redCross #Jilloverevolution

Comments :
I had seen a clip yest on this, one sack of this mud is costing them 5 dollars so this is some what imposed as this mud is brought from other place. Ppl fry there and report these news. Earth is not so impoverished nor there is lack of fund this a clear missmanaged or lotted funds.

My point is wake up the top people to do something for the people who die of hunger. I am sure you are living a good life now.

I agree sir

The is still an unjustified and unfair world. All political leaders are still doing all they can to win elections and hold on to power. But little have been don’t by rich powerful nations to help the poor. Thousand of tonnes of food are being wasted daily in developed nations and many people still have not learn to appreciate what they have, some still threw away food. A real sinful thing to do.

We fail to be humane among human being and treat pets better and let people suffer . THE CAUSE IS GREED AND THE SOLUTION IS DO CHARITY NOW TO CULTIVATE GIVING AND RELINQUISH THE DESIRE TO OWN

They need compassion…tears in my eye

This world is but a tragic place for so many…Governments don’t care about their population…So sad…feel really bad about it… 😦

I feel disappointed to see this poverty. In the field where i work, at a time i wanted to stop the working when i saw some child (8-10 years old) selling liquor to support his family or a young pretty girl standing at the road side in the dark ( Surat Mumbai Highway of the Thane District of Maharashtra, India) for petty money to offer herself to drivers (with all sort of vibes) . An emergency( in the night)i had to travel with the police protection ( our police knew all these things). Therefore, friends, i tried to feed my young youth leaders( we have the youth clubs leadership programmes) with best food,placed them in a best PWD guest houses and invited the good faculty to teach them.I liked them and they loved me. I did my departmental fights with the loving kindness due to the love of my those youths throughout Maharashtra. But my efforts are not sufficient. Similarly, the Haitian Govt. may be having dept. to deal with this bad thing.

感謝分享 要惜福感恩哪,有人餓到吃泥巴餅

and there is enough food in the world to feed everyone. Yet it costs money to get it to them. Money that most of us don’t have to give. There are some rich which do help but not enough. Many rich do not take their responsibility or realize their stewardship to serve in this manner. I feel so much more is involved like politics, greed, etc. that many of us can’t understand or don’t want to. How spiritually and humanly deficient of those with means to turn a blind eye. Time to see and awaken.

Learn to maintain your posture and feeling, to receive / accept whatever coming along

Everything happening has a reason. Some patients can be easily healed but some have to leave the world.
The reason is simple. Right timing is the word.

So don’t be too glad or sad when good thing happens to you or bad thing comes your way. Accept it without stir your inner being affected. There is suffering or less suffering if it turns out to be bad. And don’t be too happy when good thing manifests for the next turn that is coming can be bad.

Learn to maintain your posture and feeling. This is the right way to receive or accept whatever that comes along.

Flowers on the ground

Comments :
Thank you master Chow Cheong King 🙂 . Life is full of lessons for me 🙂 some make me smile and some make me cry, but not for long ;-). I live and learn with happiness 🙂

I already accepted of whatsoever will happen to my life Master Chow. lately my health condition getting worse. However, I am fortune enough to see my youngest child is turned 19 yrs. He finish High School and now he got a steady job and will attend College in this Sept.. And my other 2 girls already success in school and job. So whatever, I try to help the elderly and orphan in my town in Cambodia those who really need help.. I do it as much as I could before I am leaving this world..

Buddha bless.

Love to you sweet Sis N… you have always a kind word that gives gentleness to my heart … As Each New Dawn comes to be may you feel sunlit beauty that gives to you new energy and new strength as blessings enter from the Most High Divine

Sadhu sadhu sadhu.. Thank you so much Sis C.. May all these wishes and prayer be returned to you and your familly as well

On path

Get rid of the basic 5 poisons and subtle defilements, these are pre-conditions for awakening

Can a person be awakened if he or she the attachment is very strong of becoming rich and famous?
No wonder it is so difficult to realise the inner self where he or she can’t get rid of the basic 5 poisons and the extra subtle defilements.

Yet he or she keeps on visiting temples and learning from great masters. The conflicts have getting stronger. To seek protection and hoping that the masters can help them to be rich and famous may just be their objectives in mind.

I have come across many such people. They do not know that by doing such way can lead them to a lower realm on their next rebirth. I advise them to do more charitable tasks to stop them from going downward.

Comments :
I know some (many people) go to the temple here in Vietnam, when they want to gain something for the self… like more money, good exam results… not to loose a sense of self. I always go to the temple in order to lose my sense of self, and to give thanks to Buddha for having shared his teachings with humanity.

Many people are unaware of the objective of having a religion. Wanting to gain higher spirituality and self consciousness or awareness ; or wanting more wealth, becoming more greedy, enjoying life without caring for the suffering of others !